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Visit Damen Yichang Shipyard’s representatives at MEGA


Following the visit of Mr. Paul Kitzen and Mr. Zhang Dongbo, Manager Damen Yichang Shipyard China at MEGA, in January this year, it has been decided that a team of 2 Chinese engineers, Mr. Lei Chenghua and Mr. Li Maosheng would came to MEGA for a 5 weeks training period on new project TSHD 2000E.

In order to get familiar with the “way of working” within Global Engineering DSGo, it is necessary for the DYS colleagues to participate in projects which are carried out by experienced Global Engineering teams working on Detail Engineering & Production Information. The main learning goals of the training are:

  1. Gain more experience in the use of NUPAS / CADmatic software, according to DSGo;
  2. Learn about DAMEN standards and Handbooks to be used in the Design & Engineering of the vessels;
  3. Learn about Project Management of the projects, how to make a planning and communicate initial plan and progress (Costs (C) and Time (T) to DSGo/DSBS;
  4. Experience the procedures to check on Quality (Q) of the output from MEGA;
  5. Learn about the way the MEGA Project Leaders manage their teams;
  6. Learn about the various ways of communication about the project with DSGo/DSNS (reporting, Skype, Video Conference, et cetera);
  7. Learn about how to agree about work (Q, C and T) and how to deal with issues, conflicts, differences of opinion between DSGo/DSNS and MEGA during a project;
  8. Learn about using SEPI in the Engineering Process;
  9. Learn how to use the Document Delivery Planning (DDP) or Workbench;
  10. Gain experience in the steps in the Detail Engineering process.

At the end of the training period they are expected to make a report on “lessons learned” to share with their Manager and their team. Besides this, also an evaluation for improvements and/or additional training necessary to be fully aware and experienced in doing Detail Engineering for DSGo Engineering is expected.